New CATEA Study on Focuses on Wheelchair Cushion Comfort

The Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA) at Georgia Tech is seeking participants for a new study entitled: The Study on the Relationship Between Pressure Relief Behaviors And The Development Of Pressure Ulcers

CATEA is seeking participants for a research Study on the Relationship Between Pressure Relief Behaviors And The Development Of Pressure Ulcers. The study will begin in early December, 2011. The participant must be an individual with a spinal cord injury between the ages of 20-60 years old. Both male and females are eligible. ThePressureulcerstudyCATEAgeorgiatechperlmandecember2011scashepherdcenter study requires the participant to make two visits to the Shepherd Center. The participant will be reimbursed up to $50 for their participation. Your participation will support our work on behalf of individuals with spinal cord injury.

  • Study: Study on the Relationship Between Pressure Relief Behaviors and The Development Of Pressure Ulcers
  • Date: Early December, 2011
  • Participant Requirements: Males and females with a spinal cord injury between the ages of 20 and 60 years old
  • Reimbursement: $50 for participation
  • Study Requirements: Two visits to the Shepherd Center

Contact Susan E. Perlman, Project Coordinator for the Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA) at Georgia Institute of Technology. Address of CATEA is 490 Tenth St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 and telephone is 404-894-2861. Contact Ms. Perlman by telephone or email at [email protected] The CATEA website address is

Visit the CATEA website for information about CATEA’s other courses.”
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